GTD Video - David Allen
Labels: GTD, Mentor, Time Management
Personal Productivity for Pastors
Labels: GTD, Mentor, Time Management
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” - Proverbs 27:17
While Proverbs 27:17 isn’t true about Superbowl parties, it is true about accountability relationships. When we ask someone to keep us accountable, God uses that relationship to make us better than we could ever become by ourselves.
New Year’s resolutions are 10 times more likely to fail if you haven’t asked someone to keep you accountable.
Note: Christian accountability relationships should be male-male and female-female.
Ask God to lead you to the right accountability partner.
Brainstorm at least 3 people you know who can keep a secret:
Choose one and ask if they are willing to keep you accountable.
Give them a copy of your access areas [link], obedience areas [link], and your concrete action steps [link].
Meet for about an hour at least once per month for accountability.
I would love to know how God has used this vision process in your life. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you've discovered.
Labels: Accountability, Personal Life, Personal Vision Workbook, Processes, Purpose, Spiritual Life, Vision
Labels: GTD, Lifehacks, Processes, Time Management, Tips n Tricks
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart.” - Jeremiah 1:5
Sometimes, this calling will unfold slowly, as it did for Nehemiah. Other times, the calling will suddenly knock you off your horse, as it did for the Apostle Paul. It might be a miraculous calling, or just a gut feeling about what God wants you to do.
I believe God is calling me to…
Can you see it? Is it bigger than you? Would you do it even if you didn’t get paid? Will it make a difference for God’s Kingdom? How is it different than what you’re already doing?
Labels: Calling, Personal Life, Personal Vision Workbook, Processes, Purpose, Spiritual Life, Vision
“The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver or gold.” - Psalm 119:72
David was saying that if it came down to a choice between obeying God or getting rich, it was a slam-dunk decision.
It’s often easy to say we value certain things, even when there’s no evidence that it’s a real priority in our behavior. What values do you consistently exhibit in your life?
My character traits that I value the most are…
It really bugs me when others aren’t…
Some of my core convictions about people and relationships are…
Justice, Honesty, Service, Family, Being Real, Teamwork, Worship, Hard Work, Friendships, Pioneering, Leadership, Simplicity, Humor, Music, Respect, Helping the Poor, Obedience, Excellence, Mentoring, Details, The Big Picture, Practicality, Evangelism, Prayer, Listening, Healing, etc.
Labels: Personal Life, Personal Vision Workbook, Processes, Purpose, Spiritual Life, Values, Vision
Labels: GTD, Time Management
John 15:1-11 –
John 15:15 –
1 John 3:1-2 –
1 Peter 2:9 –
2 Corinthians 5:20 –
Ephesians 2:10 –
Romans 6:15-18 –
I exist as…
I am a…
Labels: Personal Life, Personal Vision Workbook, Processes, Purpose, Spiritual Life, Vision
Moses mentored Joshua (Deuteronomy 34:9)
Elijah mentored Elisha (1 Kings 19:19)
Mordecai mentored Esther (Esther 2:7)
Jesus mentored the disciples (John 1)
Barnabas mentored Paul (Acts 9:27)
Paul mentored Timothy (1 Timothy 4:11-16)
God has also brought special people into your life to shape your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. They might be anyone – parents, teachers, co-workers, pastors, friends, neighbors – anyone who invested in your life, inspired you, or influenced who you have become.
Labels: Mentor, Personal Life, Personal Vision Workbook, Processes, Purpose, Spiritual Life
Labels: GTD, Personal Vision Workbook, Processes, Sermon Planning, Software, Tips n Tricks
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” - Ephesians 2:10
Labels: Personal Life, Personal Vision Workbook, Processes, Purpose, Spiritual Life, Vision
1. Cross-Platform Conformity - I would want it to run on my PC (office), Macs (home), the Internet (anywhere), my Palm Pilot or Pocket PC (without an internet connection), and have printout options for my Moleskine. I would want the interface to be completely consistent between the platforms and have the platforms fully sync-able.
2. Teams Capability - I want to be able to place things in my team-members' inboxes and allow them to put things in mine. I might want to be able to share my project list or someday/maybe list with them. GTD as a team can be very powerful.
3. Project/Task Reconciliation - I want to be able to see my Project and Task Lists side-by-side (as it is now, I have to print out my projects to reconcile with my tasks during my weekly review). It would be really cool if a Project entry turned red if there were no Task assigned to it. It would also be cool if you could hover or right-click on an entry and see what else (task, project, file, date, etc.) was associated with it.
4. Wizard Functionality - I would like wizards to lead the user through the initial capture and set-up process, to teach the user workflow, and to lead the user through a weekly review process. These wizards could be user-customizable (for the weekly review, for instance).
5. High-Level Enabling - I don't want the Perfect GTD App to be just about the runway-level things. This is similar to the wizard functionality. I would love to have modules for visioneering, for long- and short-term goal setting, for strategic planning, for big-picture thinking, for accountability (see #2) and for work-and-life balance.
Labels: GTD, Lifehacks, Processes, Software, Time Management