Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Five Guiding Principles of Effective Ministry

From One Size Doesn't Fit All by Gary L. McIntosh, p. 80:

McIntosh says you should run every decision that you make as a pastor and as a church through this grid to make sure you are focusing on the right things:

  1. The Principle of Visionary Leadership
    A church grows when decisions are made based on the intention of bringing new people into the church.
  2. The Principle of Human Resource Utilization
    A church grows when decisions provide the staff, leadership, and resources needed to focus on outreach.
  3. The Principle of "Open Doors"
    A church grows when decisions create opportunities for new people to enter into the life of the congregation.
  4. The Principle of Incorporation
    A church grows when decisions spawn ways to incorporate new people into the social circles of the membership.
  5. The Principle of Finance
    A church grows when decisions adequately finance local outreach activities.

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Anonymous terredean111 said...

Information like what you described here is going to be quite useful to me. I will post a link to this post on my site. I am sure my members will find that helpful.

Labor Time Management

July 16, 2013 at 11:10 PM  

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