Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Organize Your Workdays by Theme

Jack Dorsey tells us how he keeps on top of everything important as he runs two companies. He organizes his days by theme.

Monday: Management meetings and "running the company" work
Tuesday: Product development
Wednesday: Marketing, communications, and growth
Thursday: Developers and partnerships
Friday: The company and its culture
Saturday: Hiking
Sunday: Reflection, feedback, and strategy

Read more here.

If you themed your days, what would it look like? Comment below.

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Time Management with Scott Williams

Great video by Scott Williams about how to manage your time with God as your No. 1 priority.

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Planning Sermon Series Again

So... I'm still on a leave of absence from pastoring (read more here). But our pastor is leaving for another church. And I'm the head elder.

So... I find myself planning to preach quite a bit in the upcoming year (quiet "hurrahs" fill my soul; how I've missed preaching!).

I've been working on the sermonic year (assuming we don't have a preaching pastor for a while). This time the pent-up series and sermon progressions practically burst out of me! Look at my sermonic calendar in progress.

In related news, I've been writing quite a bit recently. So I've started using Scrivener writing software to outline and organize and research and flesh things out. It's really amazing software! (Download a free 30-day trial)

It dawned on me that I could use Scrivener for organizing my series and writing my sermons. So I set up my workflow and created a template and BOOM! It's incredible!

If you're a pastor using Scrivener, you can download my sermon series planning file here (zipped file comes with pdf examples, my sermon calendar, interwebs links, doc templates, and other resources for creating awesome sermon series). After you've opened the file, you can save it as a template. Then it will always be there as a series planning option when you start up.

Happy sermon writing (to me!).

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

You cannot lead if...

Over on Ja Cook's Don't Survive, Thrive! he has a great post about what disqualifies someone from being a leader. Not sexual blunders or embezzling (although, I'm sure those are also disqualifiers).

Ja's list hits close to home with things like...
  • You cannot lead if you cannot love those you lead
  • You cannot lead if you cannot lift others up to be better than you
  • You cannot lead if you cannot last through trials and hurdles
Be sure to check out the rest.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

No Longer Juggling

As you may have noticed, I've quit updating Juggling Sheep.

In April of 2010 my mom came to live with us as she undergoes further cancer treatment.

I took a voluntary leave of absence from pastoral ministry in July of 2010. This gave me an opportunity to care for my mom while doing web design at Big Idea Web Design (out of my home).

I've mostly been focusing on designing websites for churches, schools, and other non-profits. One really innovative thing I'm doing is designing InviteSites. These event-centric micro-sites are great for churches doing any kind of evangelistic event. Church members can go and send email invitations to their friends, relatives, neighbors, and work associates. And people can come to the website to register and invite their friends.

If you need a website, webmastering, SEO work, or a custom WordPress theme, let me know. Thanks to all the Sheep Jugglers for all you do!!!

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