Monday, February 5, 2007

2 New GTD Resources on the Web (update)

NOTE: This is just an update of a previous post. Duff has asked me to change his link to, as the original site was not set up to handle so much web traffic.

In case you haven't already found them, I wanted to let you know about 2 great Getting Things Done resources in the blogosphere...
Duff just posted a list of 100 Behaviors for GTD Mastery. You've got to read it! Use it as a way to track your journey into blackbelt productivity. I've heard time and time again that you don't really get GTD until year 2 (fourth reading). I can only imagine, seeing what it has done to my life and productivity in a mere 8 months.

Also, gtdfrk has just created The Ultimate Getting Things Done Web Index. You can see how fresh the GTD posts are and what people are writing about. All on one page. And Juggling Sheep is on there. How cool is that?

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