Monday, February 12, 2007

Getting Things Done - Weekly Mastery Review

During today's weekly review, I scored myself on Duff's 100 Behaviors to GTD Mastery Checklist. I came out at 28. Yes, that's 28 out of 100.

I resolved to read Getting Things Done a second time through (#27).

I have made several copies of the Mastery Checklist and put them in my tickler file. I will be using the checklist every week during my review time to identify the next steps on my journey toward GTD Mastery.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking forward to starting this process myself, cant wait for the book to arrive. Thanks for the kind words.


February 13, 2007 at 5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like you blog! Thanks for the link to Duff's list. I only scored 17...yikes. But it is nice to have set of goals.

February 14, 2007 at 8:41 AM  
Blogger Duff said...

Duff here. How fun that my stupid little checklist has taken off like this.

Don't beat yourself up about your score--I designed it to be IMPOSSIBLE! That way you have something to shoot for! :)

Anyway, Google Docs is slowing down tremendously under the bandwidth, so I made a mirror site here: . It might take until Friday for the domain name to propagate, but I'd appreciate it if you'd update your link!

Thanks, and happy productivity!

February 15, 2007 at 7:04 AM  

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