Juggling Sheep
Welcome to Juggling Sheep, Jay Perry's blog about time management and personal productivity for pastors. Learn to balance work, life, family, and personal spirituality.

Share your best practices, tips and tricks, processes, sermon planning ideas, and resources. Feel free to email me: jaylperry[at]gmail[dot]com.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Getting Things Done - Weekly Mastery Review

During today's weekly review, I scored myself on Duff's 100 Behaviors to GTD Mastery Checklist. I came out at 28. Yes, that's 28 out of 100.

I resolved to read Getting Things Done a second time through (#27).

I have made several copies of the Mastery Checklist and put them in my tickler file. I will be using the checklist every week during my review time to identify the next steps on my journey toward GTD Mastery.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to starting this process myself, cant wait for the book to arrive. Thanks for the kind words.


Anonymous said...

Like you blog! Thanks for the link to Duff's list. I only scored 17...yikes. But it is nice to have set of goals.

Duff said...

Duff here. How fun that my stupid little checklist has taken off like this.

Don't beat yourself up about your score--I designed it to be IMPOSSIBLE! That way you have something to shoot for! :)

Anyway, Google Docs is slowing down tremendously under the bandwidth, so I made a mirror site here: http://gtdmastery100.com . It might take until Friday for the domain name to propagate, but I'd appreciate it if you'd update your link!

Thanks, and happy productivity!