Juggling Sheep
Welcome to Juggling Sheep, Jay Perry's blog about time management and personal productivity for pastors. Learn to balance work, life, family, and personal spirituality.

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Getting Things Done - Workflow (and free desktop wallpaper!)

Today, a quick post on GTD workflow. Getting Things Done really centers around the 5 major phases of the workflow process (download David Allen's 5 Phases Overview):
1. Collect (put your things in your inbox)
2. Process (figure out what to do with those things)
3. Organize (figure out projects and tasks and calendar)
4. Review (regularly make sure your process has no leaks)
5. Do (start doing higher-level thinking, planning, and working)

There are several flowcharts online that you can print out to help you get ready to process and organize all of the stuff you've collected. I put one up on the wall right next to my desk before I even tried to tackle my overflowing inbox. I really like David Allen's original Workflow diagram. The D*I*Y Planner website also has a diagram that I like (especially because it includes some detail on the capture phase and a checklist for the weekly review).

Currently, my favorite workflow diagram is a desktop wallpaper from anabubula.com. Now, every time I open my laptop, I see a lovely GTD reference flowchart. Here's a sample:

GTD Workflow Wallpaper

If you want way more detail than I can handle on one piece of paper, try David Allen's Advanced Workflow Diagram. My wife swears by this one. It's just way too much for me.

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