Sure, the first couple of months were full of finding new apps, tweeting more regularly, facebooking from anywhere, etc. But a couple of the apps have actually helped me to be more productive. *SHOCK*
I'll write another post about the iPhone apps I use for GTD, but this one is about reading.
So, maybe it turns out I wasn't always reading books because I didn't always have books with me. Sitting in a waiting room, in a cafe, at a park, while my son is climbing over the play structure at the mall, etc. But I do always have my iPhone with me.

If you don't have an iPhone, you can still use You Version online. It's an okay free online Bible program. Although, frankly, what I want from an online Bible site is good exegetical resources.

And it turns out you can read your Kindle books on a PC, too (but not a Mac, yet) with a free Kindle reader download.
From time to time, authors offer their new books on Kindle for FREE.
Some church-related ones FREE on 11/20/2009:
Ten Stupid Things That Keep Churches from Growing:
How Leaders Can Overcome Costly Mistakes
by Geoff Surratt
by Steve Chalke
Halley's Bible Handbook with the New International Version
by Henry H. Halley
Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands
by Nancy Ortberg
The Dude Abides
by Cathleen Falsani
Sin Boldly:
a Field Guide for Grace
by Cathleen Falsani
See all of Amazon's new FREE Kindle books.
Hi Jay,
I hope you don't mind answering a couple of questions I am asking all believers everywhere;
Do you believe that God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to start a new religion called Christianity?
And Where is the text in the bible that supports the popular Christian belief that God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to start a new religion called Christianity?
Thanks for the question, M.A.C.
I believe that God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to be the Messiah for the world, as prophesied in the Jewish scriptures.
God has always had one plan of salvation for everyone. In the Old Testament (the Jewish scriptures), Jesus' ministry was foreshadowed by the Sanctuary and the different festivals and feast days.
I see Jesus as the fulfillment of Judaism. Christianity began as a Jewish sect - a continuation of Judaism, not something completely separate.
Hi Jay,
I hope you don't mind continuing some dialogue on this topic.
If there is no biblical text to support Christianity as a religion i.e separate from Judaism. Do you think the current status quo of denominational divergence is in danger at the judgment seat of Christ?
Christ said;
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
Sounds like Jesus is talking about church folk here. What do you think?
Hi Jay, If you are still into reading the Bible on your iPhone, you will find Paul Avery's Holy Bible app does most of what you are asking for. You can highlight stuff, take notes, and features multiple translations, it has the Greek, though not Hebrew.
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