Juggling Sheep
Welcome to Juggling Sheep, Jay Perry's blog about time management and personal productivity for pastors. Learn to balance work, life, family, and personal spirituality.

Share your best practices, tips and tricks, processes, sermon planning ideas, and resources. Feel free to email me: jaylperry[at]gmail[dot]com.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

List Jumping on GTD

Boom. All at once. 15 "Someday/Maybe" projects jumped lists and became active "Projects" within the last few weeks:
  • Maybe someday I would make the flower bed look nice. Now it has to be done so we can sell the house.
  • Maybe someday I would put new siding on the house/paint the new siding. Now it has to be done so we can sell the house.
  • Maybe someday paint the ceiling... Now!
  • Maybe someday fill dirt... Now!
  • Maybe someday write sermon posting process... Now!
Having to move has suddenly changed all of those someday/maybe projects about my house and delegating ministry tasks into active projects. I'm using GTD, but I'm feeling overwhelmed again.

Sorry I'm not posting more, but right now it's not fitting so well into my contexts, time available, energy available, or priorities.

Maybe someday I'll write more...

1 comment:

Paul Garrett del Río said...


I would suppose you haven't posted recently because you were moving house.

I miss your posts!!!
